Twitter has indeed transformed manifolds since its emergence on the internet domain, now you can do loads with Twitter including sharing documents or searching for people or you can even lookout for a new job on it. Twitter can be transformed in many shapes, you can even view the multimedia contents within the Twitter interface and with Twitter buying services like TwitPic, things are surely going in the right direction. So today I will be introducing a new kind of an addon for Twitter that will ultimately allow you to send audio tweets. Here are 2 simple and easy ways to send Audio tweets on your Twitter profile. AudioTweet AudioTweet is a unique service that allows you to share your Tweets in audio format using simple text to Audio converter. AudioTweet simply lets you say what you want to say by converting your text twitter feed into its audio correspondingly. The service also gives you the option of posting your Twitter feed either directly to Twitter or to Facebook. Well the core service in play behind AudioTweet service is Google translate that actually converts text into its audio equivalent. Once the translation is done, you can then utilize to send your short link to others. The service doesn’t require any kind of sign-up that is either username or any email, plus because of its integration with Google translate the service supports almost 58 different languages. Chirbit A very simple online tool that allow users to send audio tweets to their Twitter with number of different ways. It is an easy-to-use application and it simply does the job in few simple steps. With Chirbit service you can upload audio files in formats ranging from mp3, m4a and aiff. Just record on the go using your Blackberry, Android or iPhone and share it with your friends either via Twitter or use short URLs to share it on Facebook. To get a better idea of its working, the developers of Chirbit has posted various audio tweets on the service official website. You can view Top 100 tweets of Chirbit or you can even view the tweets that people have sent using link. To start using it, just head over to their website and signup, to signup you require to give your email address and passwords. All you need to is a webcam, a microphone and Chirbit will be ready to rumble! I think if you are a hardcore Twitter user then these services will definitely help you to interact in a more positive way.↧