For Twitter users, searching Twitter history can be a very important thing. This is because Twitter search can help users dig down into the history of their previous activities, message archives and so much more. However, for some advanced needs, Twitter's default search is just not good enough.To search twitter history of any user, we will use a Free Twitter tool call Snapbird. Snap Bird is an app for Twitter which lets users perform advanced searches in Twitter. The features which Snap Bird provides in addition to the ones available by default include searching back for results older than 10 days, a friend's-tweet only search, searching direct messages and favorite's search. Using Snap Bird to search any twitter user timeline is very easy. To start off, you need to authenticate your Twitter account with the app, which in most cases should not be a problem. Once you have authenticated the app to access your Twitter account, you can return to Snap Bird's website and perform searches. More Twitter Tools: Search options which are given are as follows: Someone's timeline, someone's favorite, your friend's tweets, tweets mentioning you, your sent direct messages, your received direct messages. You can also specify the person for which you want to perform the search and the for field allows to put the limiter on your search. Snap Bird performs searches and then displays results which can also be permalinked. You can simply click the searches to view the actual content as well (just like in Google) and link them in your own tweets as well. Snap Bird is a really good tool if you want to maximize your search potential, however there are some search speed issues with the app e.g. When you make the search query complex, it takes a bit longer to search and display results. Other than it, it's a great Twitter app. Check out Snap Bird for Twitter here. Do let us know if you know any more such tool which will be help us to search twitter history by user?↧